There is a variety of funding options available to fully-fund or reduce your out-of-pocket costs, depending on the services you are seeking for your child and their eligibility.
Child Matters | Teen Matters provide services under the NDIS for self- and plan-managed participants and their families.
Therapy plans can include Psychology, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Early Childhood Intervention, and capacity building support. Social groups are also also funded.
Additional rebates may be available for Psychology, Speech Pathology and Occupational Therapy services under Medicare.
Depending on the complexity and/or diagnosis of a child a GP may be able to activate the following plans:
-10 sessions under Medicare Better Access for mental health concerns – if appropriate to your child, this has the most significant rebates.
-5 sessions under the Enhanced Primary Care/Chronic Disease Management Plan for Speech Pathology/Occupational Therapy.
Private Health Care
We are registered with most major health funds to allow for some of our fees to be claimed back through private health insurance depending on your level of cover.
We recommend you contact your fund to discuss your individual situation.